Amnesty International Canada

The website for Amnesty International Canada includes lots of information about our work on a wide range of human rights concerns.   Find out more about how you can make a difference.

Ketty Nivyabandi is the  Secretary General of Amnesty International Canada.   Ketty joined Amnesty International Canada (English Section) as Secretary General in October 2020. She is the primary spokesperson for the Branch, is responsible for the development and delivery of the Branch’s human rights work and shares senior leadership with the Executive Director. A global human rights activist and advocate, Ketty holds in-depth and lived expertise on refugee issues and the intersections of gender, race, democracy, and human rights. Prior to seeking asylum in Canada in 2015, she faced police violence as a leading organizer of women’s peaceful protests for democratic change in her country, Burundi.

In her previous roles, Ketty has led research and advocacy to support global women peace activists in several conflict and post conflict countries, including Syria, Yemen, South Sudan, Myanmar and Guatemala. As a communications strategist, she has worked with activists extensively to amplify their voices and shape public policy through international media. Her work is rooted in people power, public accountability, and a feminist, decolonial approach to human rights.

Ketty studied International Relations, is a former journalist and a published poet. You can follow Ketty on twitter @Kettynivyabandi

Alex Neve served as the Secretary General of Amnesty International Canada from January 2000 to October 2020.    We are all very appreciative of his dedicated support for our human rights movement – including his support for Amnesty International in Saskatchewan.   Alex continues to advance a strong human rights agenda- you can see his personal blog posts here.    You can follow his posts on twitter @AlexNeve24


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